
Deeper than skin:
essence revealing TattooArt.

Have you ever wondered why change is difficult?
Do you want to ease and accelerate transformations you go through in your life?

My 7 year work experience as a tattoo artist combined with a decade long journey of transformation inside out, revealed to me a profound insight about why and how we change. Tattoo has been a strong helpful anchor for my own transitions, and I have evidenced an invisible shift that happens inside my clients.

“|After getting tattooed| I felt and still feel much more comfortable in my body. With this realization of a dream, Ii feel even more confident” - Dunklebluete

Intention - ritual - transformation

Painful experience of self-transformation for the rest of your life is a courageous and meaningful step. 

Not every other change in life is as easy as getting a tattoo – but bodyart can support such a process profoundly. It can help to step into your new – ever more truthful – identity, with empowering confidence and a new level of trust.

Independently of the type of change you are going through – committing to a relationship or stepping out of one, moving places, shifting your sex/gender, or transitioning out of a state that kept you stuck – you need to redirect your attention from the familiar “safe” into a new territory. Ease of your transformation depends on one major factor – ability to shift your energy to the desired unknown future you are creating.

The essence tattoo is designed to create an anchor that will help your mind to daily activate a positive emotional experience – and manifest your intention into your reality.

When you engage in a process of transformation on your skin with me – you get a chance to learn and practice art and science of transformation inside out – before, during and after your tattoo experience.

Rite of Passage:
transition into an unfamiliar reality

Every new transformation in life has a RISK to take. If we don’t take the risk, with time we start feeling stuck.
An intentional tattoo ritual creates a ceremonial space to pass through a symbolic Gate – a Passage – that signifies readiness to take the risk and an identity change that comes with it.

Such a tattoo ceremony helps to face your fear of failing, or not being accepted when transitioning into a new life stage or identity. 
A daily ritual of seeing your tattoo afterwards connects you to your intention and helps to reclaim your power from inside out.

A process I have developed takes you from your risky challenge or feeling of being stuck to creating an intention that will bring you to where you want to be – passing through a Passage that transcends fear into courage. And readiness to shine in your truth.

Our Process

Using my trauma informed coaching knowledge and my passion for the process of transformation, I have developed a process that helps you to clearly picture a state of being in the upleveled identity you are growing into.

In this process you have a chance to:

– deeply explore and connect to the change/challenge you are currently going through
– create a clear vision for how your upleveled self feels and looks like externally
– start neural reprogramming into the new identity/state (tattoo preparation phase)
– symbolically mark your energetic shift into a new stage of life with a tattoo ceremony
– learn how to use your essence tattoo as an anchor for manifesting your new integral identity
+ as a bonus – keep in touch with me after the ceremony to ensure accountability, smooth transition process without getting stuck. 

My tattoo philosophy

  • I aim at strengthening your integrity and helping you find clarity. My goal is to connect better to the qualities you want to nurture in yourself, feelings you want to awaken when looking at yourself, symbolism that encourages your own uniqueness.

    While we can always choose a role or identity to picture,
    My most important service for you is to create an art-piece that deeply resonates with your essence. My intention is to end up with an image that leaves no doubt for either of us.  

  • I care that the transformation on your skin is coherent with the inner transformation you are undergoing: creating self-confidence, joy in your physical body and empowering peace of being YOURSELF. I therefore offer you a space where your tattoo becomes a Rite of Passage – a transition into something new.

What is important for me when working with you

I love hosting you in my creative space and I care that you feel at home.
Compared to most studios, I offer you privacy, supportive intimate space for a few hours of trusted interaction – cozy and warm welcome.

I value you feeling comfortable and relaxed. I make sure you are hydrated, warm and as convenient as it can be on a tattooing bench.

Feeling nervous before getting needles under your skin is very normal!
Not diminishing the excitement of the experience, I try my best to help your nervous system to feel safe and be openly ready for receiving the experience with trust. Here my knowledge as a trauma informed coach comes handy: I am glad to guide you through relaxing breathing techniques and co-regulate if needed.

Your wellbeing is of utmost importance for me so it is up to you when we are to take breaks and pause for deeper breaths.

Whatever in life you are going through – there is a deep reason to celebrate your symbolic transformation with acknowledgement and honor. When we see our experiences through the lens of symbolic passage, a new level of intentionality opens up to us.

I hold such commitments in a ceremonial space for you: a transformative opportunity opens up with our physical pain – so you can use your tattoo experience for a deeper connection with yourself and life itself. 

With the safety I create for you in such a Rite of Passage, you can reflect on your own experience – whatever you are going through – and consciously commit to a transformation inside out.

You might have already noticed that I have a few favorite themes for illustration. Plant and animal life are motives I love drawing the most – this is a way to connect and reconnect to the wisdom of Nature that is our primary home.

We all lost our ties of belonging with the Earth to some extent. TattooArt has the power to reconnect us to the wholeness of our human experience – as a relational being.

Have you also had an expansive experience in Nature?

Write me an email and let me know about your inspirations.

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