Are you choosing to step up into your creatorship? Well then, Let’s look into what it implies.
The tools of creation are thought, emotion and action.
All your creation begins with thought, proceeds with emotion, and is fulfilled in your deed.
Emotion is the energy in motion: when you move energy you create effect. If you move enough energy, you create matter.
Manipulating energy inside of us is also preventing its flow by a tool like escaping into thinking, numbing or suppressing.
Emotional energy then coagulates and - instead of smoothly flowing water - hardens up, freezes and becomes a piece of ice.
Just like a wide powerful river, emotions carry information - they carry truths. Truths about ourselves, other people or about life that are often painful to admit.
Many of us are not willing to experience that so we repress, dissociate or explode our emotions.
In order for this not to happen we gotta learn to experience e-motion - energy in motion - to pass through us without impediment when it occurs instead of resisting it.
Like many other essential for thriving life subjects, emotional intelligence is not taught in established structures of family, school and even university.
So how do we do it?
Increase your capacity to FEEL
Building your emotional muscle has everything to do with increasing your capacity. In this guide, you have a chance to learn what it means to increase your capacity to feeling and receive communication from your E-motions.